The evolution of Taxi in Greece

From taxi fares to customized transfer services and private excursions, the taxi industry in Greece has evolved very quickly the last 15 years. The most significant push towards the new face of the taxi business was given by the tourism sector and the constantly changing needs of the customers.
Back in the days a taxi driver was waiting at the crowded bus stops or at the airports and the fare usually did not last more than an hour. Now taxi drivers have a variety of ways to receive a fare. Internet, travel agents, phone, mobile apps and more are a source to short fares or customized excursions that can take up to one day. In a constantly growing tourism sector airport transfers from Thessaloniki and Athens airport are getting more popular.
Booking ways
A transfer company in our days has many sources to get a fare, one of them that has come up the last few years is the internet and the mobile apps. Booking sites and taxi applications are growing fast and they are going to have a big impact on the industry. Travel agents are also important partners to transfer companies in order to fulfill their customer’s demands for transportation during their holidays.
For the growing tourism industry in Greece a transfer is just the beginning, Greece has many places to visit and a lot of thing you can see so it didn’t took long for the transfer companies to offer customized excursions for sightseeing and more to the customers that don’t just want a transfer to their hotel. You can choose the pickup place and leave the rest to the experienced drivers in order to see places from another point view and not only from a travel guide.
The future
Who knows where what future has in store for the transfer industry in Greece and worldwide in general. The one sure thing is that the taxi drivers and companies need to constantly evolve and offer more services to meet the constantly changing needs of the customer.